Resident data ends at 3f70, program starts at 3f70, file ends at 1fa18 Starting analysis pass at address 3f6e End of analysis pass, low address = 3f70, high address = 1a97c [Start of text] S001: "WEARING THE CLAW" S002: " An Interactive Fantasy Copyright (c) 1996, 1997 by Paul O'Brian. New players should type "help" " S003: "951024" S004: "5/12" S005: "a" S006: "You can't go that way." S007: "the" S008: "the" S009: "the" S010: "the" S011: "the" S012: "the" S013: "the" S014: "the" S015: "the" S016: "the" S017: "the" S018: "the" S019: "Darkness" S020: "It is pitch dark, and you can't see a thing." S021: "As good-looking as ever." S022: "Nameless item" S023: "your former self" S024: "You are standing on a dirt road which extends east toward distant, mist-shrouded mountains. To the west, the road meanders into a tiny smudge of a town, perched on the vast ocean's edge. From here you can make out the mast of a ship which must ply its trade on that fearsome expanse." S025: "There's no path that way." S026: "You can't see very much from here." S027: "Even from this far away, the ocean looks limitless and eternal." S028: "Until you came here, you thought that your experience in Bex was the ultimate in poverty and misery. Now it's clear to you that you are fortunate in many ways you had always taken for granted." S029: "A small village begins here, and its condition is sadly as poor as your own, if not poorer. The dilapidated buildings, the dirty streets, and the slow-moving, worn inhabitants all speak to the hopelessness engendered by poverty. The main street of the run-down town travels west, ending in a pier whose features are indistinguishable from here." S030: "You'll have to go a little closer and see for yourself." S031: "It's too far away to make out much detail." S032: "The dust from this disused road swirls around your boots as you walk. North of you sits a shop with "Goodman's Used Clothing Emporium" written on the door in pale script. The grimy shop windows display a variety of tired-looking garments. To the south is what looks to be a closed alehouse. You can continue east or west on the road." S033: "Unfortunately, the alehouse seems to be closed indefinitely." S034: "The fragile-looking windows of the clothing store are caked with grime, but nonetheless provide a view of some less-than-attractive garments." S035: "The faded picture of a frothing glass gives you brief hope for refreshment, but it quickly becomes clear that this alehouse has been abandoned for some time." S036: "Goodman must have had quite an imagination to describe this place as an "emporium." It strikes you more as a meager collection of ragtag clothes, strung together by a few rods and wires. Most of the wares here seem not only used, but used up." S037: "There is a clerk sitting here at a battered table. He is clearly surprised to have a customer." S038: "The drawn face and haggard eyes of this clerk are a clear indication of just how painfully bad business has been lately." S039: "The table looks like it has survived many incarnations of service before this one." S040: "Moth-eaten cloaks, threadbare tunics, ragged breeches, and soleless boots seem to be the best of the lot here. Even what you're wearing is better than this." S041: "The large box seems to contain a disorganized mass of unsorted clothes." S042: "This glove is sewn with strong seams, and its quality is quite high, especially for something purchased at Goodman's Used Clothing Emporium." S043: "The dust you bring in from the road mingles here with the thick dust covering ancient sofas, furnishings, and tables. An exit to the north leads back out to the dusty main road of the village." S044: "A bell sits on the desk." S045: "This is a small brass bell, engraved with a picture of an elegant mansion." S046: "The dusty road continues into what looks like the central crossroads of town. Neglected lanes lead north and south, while the main road continues west, where not far away you can see the mast of a ship at harbor." S047: "You stroll up the lane but find only modest residences, whose doors are closed and windows barred. Finding nothing to further your objectives, you arrive back at the crossroads." S048: "Your heart sinks as you walk south into a shanty-town of structures which seem barely to maintain their integrity from moment to moment. The wretchedness of the few children you see playing listlessly in the dirt sends you reeling back to the crossroads. Bex is poor, but has never known such crushing poverty as this." S049: "You have arrived at the west end of town. North of you is what looks like a former shop, its door and windows long since boarded over. To the south is apparently a boarding house of some kind, if the sign on it reading "Boarding House" is any reliable indication. The road itself continues east and west." S050: "The door is boarded over." S051: "The doors and windows of this neglected shop are barred with thick, heavy boards." S052: "The dust from this road swirls around your boots at every step, making you sneeze periodically." S053: "The road ends here, for two reasons: not only is it the edge of town, it's the edge of land. The waves wash in slowly over the sand just west of here, and the sea that brings them stretches out as far as you can see. North of you is a small shed, with a sign above its doorway reading "SHIPS." A wooden walkway extends southwest to a pier, and you can walk on the beach to the west, northwest, south, and southeast. The village is east of here." S054: "Soft sand cushions your steps on this beach, and the gentle sound of waves against the shore evokes a calmness and composure which you haven't felt since you set out on your journey. The beach continues north, and the road into town lies to the east." S055: "You don't know how to swim." S056: "You don't know how to swim." S057: "You don't know how to swim." S058: "You stand on a beach, fine sand sliding beneath your feet. The ocean to the west stretches as far as you can see, and you can just make out a brown smudge on the horizon which may be the island of the Goergs. Thorny bushes and shrubs bar passage north here, but the sandy strip continues south and the village lies southeast." S059: "You don't know how to swim." S060: "You don't know how to swim." S061: "You don't know how to swim." S062: "It's much much too far away to make out anything at all." S063: "The vegetation is quite thick to your north, and its long, sharp thorns make northward travel too painful to consider." S064: "The sand is fine and slippery." S065: "The distant sound of crying gulls reaches you here, just audible above the susurration of the waves. A gentle breeze ruffles the fur on the wolfen part of your wrist, and you feel a pang of loneliness at this empty place, so far from home. A narrow trail of pebbles and stones leads east, and the road into town is just to your north." S066: "You don't know how to swim." S067: "You don't know how to swim." S068: "You don't know how to swim." S069: "You don't know how to swim." S070: "You don't know how to swim." S071: "Gravel and coarse rocks crunch beneath your boots here, and outcroppings of rock to the north and west leave barely any room between themselves and the ocean. You just have room to stand, facing the ocean to the south or the rocky trail leading back west. The dusty road winds into town starting just northwest of here." S072: "You don't know how to swim." S073: "You don't know how to swim." S074: "You don't know how to swim." S075: "There's a rock wall in the way." S076: "There's a rock wall in the way." S077: "There's a rock wall in the way." S078: "The ground here is made up of pebbles and stones of various sizes. They crunch beneath your boots as you walk." S079: "The great ocean is before you, terrifying in its endlessness, seductive in its freedom. The waves make a hushed undercurrent of sound, a whispering." S080: "A light breeze flows through the warped boards that comprise this shed -- you can only imagine how drafty it must be in colder weather. The shed is small and quite featureless, barely even a shelter, let alone an office." S081: "This contract is a tattered sheet of paper reading "One-way passage to the isle of the Goergs. Paid in full."" S082: "The boards on which you stand have obviously been worn by all kinds of weather, but have stood up remarkably well. The walkway leads northeast, and all around you is the sea... vast, haunting, terrifying, beguiling. West of you is a small ship." S083: "Bex is landlocked, so your experience with ships is minimal. Still, looking at the aging ropes, tattered sails, and battered hull of this one stirs your fears of the water." S084: "You stand on one of the few flat stones at the eastern shore of the isle of the Goergs. Sharp, jagged promontories stab upward from beneath the waves, which beat at them incessantly. The salt smell of the sea hangs heavy here, and the mist of the broken waves caresses your face with its briny kiss. The sea surrounds this narrow peninsula, and the only solid path leads west." S085: "The sea is far too rough, and anyway you can't swim." S086: "The wall of the fortress stands an imposing thirteen feet high. Its surface is rough since the wall itself consists of thousands of rocks mortared together." S087: "You can't swim, and besides the sea looks hostile today." S088: "A narrow peninsula leads east from here to a rocky promontory, but aside from that jutting exception you stand on the southeast corner of land on this island. The cold, choppy sea buffets the shoreline, and damp plants and sand slide unpleasantly beneath your feet. The wall of a circular fortress bars your passage northwest, but you may circumscribe the fortress by treading north or west." S089: "There's a wall in the way." S090: "The sand here is damp and clumped, and tough plants have buried their roots within it." S091: "A small plaque breaks the monotony of the fortress wall." S092: "Within that little Hive" S093: "Such Hints of Honey lay" S094: "As make Reality a Dream" S095: "And Dreams, Reality --" S096: "This small, rocky piece of land, the southwest corner of the Goergs' small island, provides a breathtaking view of unending ocean stretching to the west and south, while to the northeast stands the wall of the circular fortress. The air is chill and the ground stony. You can scrabble over wet rocks to the north or walk the sand to the east." S097: "There's a wall in the way." S098: "This is a black coat, long enough to reach almost to your ankles. It is extremely thin, feeling almost threadbare, yet it is completely opaque. The coat weighs very little, and seems almost ready to blow away at every slight breeze. Stitched inside the lining of the coat in flowing script are the words "PhantomPiercer, BarrierBreaker."" S099: "A long black coat flutters in the breeze atop a nearby crag." S100: "It's simply a jutting outcropping of rock whose base is darkly discolored from the ocean's constant embrace." S101: "You manage to keep your balance only precariously on this large rock on the northwest corner of the island. There is little space between the fortress wall to the southeast and the sea which surrounds you to the north and west. The sound of the breakers is raucous as it echoes off the imposing wall of the stone structure. You can manage a rocky scrabble south or head towards a clearing to the east." S102: "There's a wall in the way." S103: "The rocks here are dark and wet, coated with the constant salt spray." S104: "The oceanic tumult subsides a bit here, on a patch of soft sand directly to the north of the stronghold. Grey clouds roll overhead, but you can imagine this spot as almost pleasant when the sun is shining and the sea calm. A large rock protrudes from the water to the west, and a grassy area lies east of here. You can also walk to the edge of a chersonese to the north." S105: "The curved walls of the fortress flatten out on the north side, and the stone abruptly gives way to a silver wall, polished to mirror brightness." S106: "The mirrored wall reflects its surroundings vividly." S107: "You stand on a narrow peninsula, surrounded by water except to the south, where a clearing is a short walk away. The ground here is sandy and littered with pebbles and stones, and small plants and grasses struggle to retain a foothold in the loose soil. The waves insist themselves onto the shore all around you, and they seem to be coming closer to your feet all the time." S108: "This is a small grassy spot northeast of the stone fortress wall. The green carpet provides a pleasant contrast to the deep blue of the ocean and the mottled grey and brown of the wall. A clearing is visible west of here, and a sandy path leads to the south." S109: "There's a wall in the way." S110: "the" S111: "Like an angry demon, the sea thrashes and roars wildly here, sometimes calming down for a moment, only to send another raging torrent of waves rushing against the shore." S112: "The sharp, acrid scent of brimstone taints the air here." S113: "It's hard to keep from coughing as you inhale the caustic odor." S114: "You are just inside the fortress wall, south of an opening which leads out to the island. The grey, cloudy light of the sky dimly illuminates this rather plain area through the open ceiling. The coarse sand on which you tread gives way to the south to a majestic golden river, across which you can vaguely see some moving shapes." S115: "Your skin has turned a golden hue identical to the color of the river. It shines radiantly even in the dim light of the fortress." S116: "A small sign stands on the riverbank." S117: "This sign is inscribed in golden letters on a black stone pedestal, like a marker for visiting tourists." S118: "The river isn't all that wide, but a haze hangs in the air here which obscures faraway objects. All you can see is some motion in brown, undistinguishable blobs." S119: "The golden river is wide and slow, and shines in the wan light as if it really is a burnished river of flowing, melted gold." S120: "Halfway across the golden river, the water feels pleasant and warm as the current slowly strokes your body. Golden droplets cling to your skin, giving it a golden, tawny hue." S121: "You take a tentative step west, but the shifting surface on which you stand seems to run out, and you don't know how to swim." S122: "You take a tentative step east, but the shifting surface on which you stand seems to run out, and you don't know how to swim." S123: "You dunk your head, immersing your entire body while keeping your feet on the shallow river's bottom. Inexperienced in the water, you begin to feel panicky with the lack of air, and raise your head to the surface once more." S124: "The south bank of the river is a considerably narrower spot than you first estimated from the circular shape of the fortress. The shore quickly gives way to stone walls on the east and west which narrow to form a passageway leading south. The golden river flows peacefully to the north, and you stand on a narrow, triangular strip of land between the river and the passageway." S125: "Your skin has turned a golden hue identical to the color of the river. It shines radiantly even in the dim light of the fortress." S126: "This appears to be none other than Cerberus, the fierce three-headed hound said to guard the gates of Hell. His six eyes all watch you balefully and occasionally a set of drooling jaws and vicious teeth snaps at you savagely." S127: "A fierce, three-headed dog stands blocking the passageway to the south." S128: "This is a small space in the hallway. The way to the north is clear, but the path south is blocked by a barrier which simply defies belief. Bolts of electricity jump between the east and west walls, razor-sharp steel teeth shoot from floor and ceiling to gnash together at the center, gouts of flame burst from the walls at all angles. Your eyes are dazzled by the sheer variety of blocks to your path, from falling rocks to flying knives, from magical bolts to hot coals on the floor, which sizzle under the droplets of water from the ceiling above them." S129: "Gone are the river, the dog, and the brimstone you walked through before. Instead, you stand in a sparsely but elegantly appointed foyer. Through the archway to the north you can see the island and the sea, and a hallway leads south to the throne room." S130: "This is the same hallway which once housed an impressive array of illusory threats to bar the entrance to the Goergs' Hall. It is now a bare north-south hallway, with water dripping from the ceiling and disappearing down a drain in the floor." S131: "This small drain collects the water falling from the ceiling." S132: "Water falls from the ceiling at about the rate of a steady rainfall. It represents no threat to you, but the coat stands little chance of surviving it." S133: "The door is closed." S134: "The door is closed." S135: "The queen sits in a tall throne whose cushions, in bright magnetic shades of violet and blue, draw your glance irresistably. It is just large enough to make the queen look regal and majestic without dwarfing her." S136: "The door is marked "Women's Chambers."" S137: "The door is marked "Men's Chambers."" S138: "You might have expected the queen of the mysterious Goergs to look alien, forbidding, or dark. Not so. The queen looks at you with kind, bright eyes beneath a halo of curly blonde hair. She wears a long black dress with a bright red jacket, and carries herself with an air of regal grace." S139: "The" S140: "By the queen's side, you see the dog who ran away from you so recently. He cowers upon seeing you, and the queen pats his head to comfort him." S141: "This is the dog who once appeared to be Cerberus. He is cowering, keeping well clear of you." S142: "The water is cool and clear, shimmering in the light." S143: "This lovely clear crystal, whose spherical shape tapers to a point at the top, is about the size of your fist. Its many facets reflect the light beautifully, and from some angles it appears to have multicolored smoke swirling inside it." S144: "the" S145: "This pendant looks similar to the crystal: clear, sparkling, and multifaceted. But where the crystal had a misty spectrum inside it, this stone fairly glows with a rainbow radiance, and tiny prismatic sparkles of light dance constantly around it." S146: "your" S147: "the" S148: "You are on the dirt road, a little closer to the mountains and a little further away from the sea." S149: "There's no path that way." S150: "The dirt road gets rockier here, and the rocks are irregularly spaced, so you find yourself taking more time in walking, having to step over holes and around sharp protrusions. The mist which surrounds the mountains has snaked out a few vaporous tendrils in your direction." S151: "There's no path that way." S152: "You shiver with chill as you enter the mist. The mountain is completely blanketed in a mist which seems almost sinister in its heaviness. Very soon you will not be able to see where you are going." S153: "There's no path that way." S154: "The mountains are heavily blanketed in mist, almost obscured. You know there must be peaks, but the shroud erases them. All you can see are the closer, tree-carpeted hills." S155: "The mist veils the mountains like a luminous grey shroud." S156: "As good-looking as ever." S157: "This sturdy leather backpack is as rugged as it is capacious. You smile as you regard it, thinking that though the people of Bex have been beaten down by poverty, their workmanship in many areas is still unequalled. The backpack has both a handle and a strap, so that it can either be worn or carried." S158: "This is a copy of Midel's declaration of the state of crisis in the province, which was distributed throughout Bex to solicit help from the populace. Written on this copy in the hand of Lord Midel are the words "To return to Bex, simply say the word 'Yeyos.'" Beneath these words is the full script of the proclamation." S159: "Your mother embroidered this handkerchief with your initials and gave it to you to carry on your journey, a good luck charm of a sort." S160: "an" S161: "Lord Midel spared you this one piece of gold from his personal stores, in case you should run into any expenses. It is stamped with his likeness." S162: "This stone is pretty, though not terribly valuable. Still, it represents the apex of your family's savings, and your father bequeathed it to you when he discovered that Lord Midel had given you only one gold piece." S163: "You stand in the town square of Bex, where ordinarily you could walk south toward your family's home, north to the schoolhouse, west to the farmlands or east on the path out of town. At the moment, however, you are hemmed in on all sides by what must be the entire population of the town, watching and waiting to see what happens next." S164: "You take a step, but it's no good. The crowd has you hemmed in on all sides." S165: "The entire population of your small town is gathered around you here, with your family front and center." S166: "the" S167: "The bars of this cage, which appears to have no door, course with crackling blue mystical energies. There not even enough room between the bars for your hand to fit through, let alone your body." S168: "'Twas Crisis -- All the length had passed" S169: "That dull -- benumbing time" S170: "There is in Fever or Event --" S171: "And now the Chance had come --" S172: " " S173: "The instant holding in its claw" S174: "The privilege to live" S175: "Or warrant to report the Soul" S176: "The other side the Grave." S177: " " S178: "-- Emily Dickinson" S179: "There is information provided on the following: Acknowledgements Release history and legal information About Inform Hints" S180: "Wearing the Claw Help Menu" S181: "Acknowledgements" S182: "Release History/Legal Info" S183: " About Inform and its author Other games written in Inform Where to get this software " S184: " Introduction IN THE VILLAGE ON THE ISLAND INSIDE THE FORTRESS BACK IN BEX " S185: "Inform" S186: "Inform & its author" S187: "Other Inform games" S188: "The IF Archive" S189: "Hints" S190: "Introduction" S191: "IN THE VILLAGE" S192: "ON THE ISLAND" S193: "IN THE FORTRESS" S194: "BACK IN BEX" S195: " How do I get to the mountains? How do I get into the alehouse? I'm in the clothing store, now what? How do I get into the boarded-up building? How do I get the old man to talk to me? OK, he's talking to me. Now what? How do I book a room? What is the bell for? What is the significance of the carving? How do I get to the Goergs' island? " S196: " My, it's certainly barren here, isn't it? What's this coat for? Agh! The coat disintegrated! How do I get into the fortress? " S197: " What's with this river? OK, I give up. How do I get the coat past the river? What the Hell? How do I pass this 3-headed dog? Holy cow! I'll never get past all this! What should I do with the queen? How do I get the pendant? I've got the pendant; now what? " S198: " I'm so confused. Who's who in this crazy scene? Should I obey Lord Midel? Oh, no! He's going to kill me! I'm safe, but now what? " S199: "Village Hints" S200: "Mountains" S201: "Alehouse" S202: "Clothing Store" S203: "Boarded-up Building" S204: "Old man" S205: "Talking" S206: "Book a room" S207: "Bell" S208: "Carving" S209: "Island" S210: "(1/4) Get the parchment from your backpack and read it." S211: "(2/4) According to the parchment, the Goergs live on an island." S212: "(3/4) Islands are typically in the water, so..." S213: "(1/2) The alehouse appears to be closed indefinitely." S214: "(1/8) What might you need from a clothing store?" S215: "(2/8) Perhaps not everyone you meet will take your animal appearance in stride." S216: "(3/8) Have you tried showing your hand to the clerk?" S217: "(4/8) Or examining the clothes?" S218: "(5/8) Or even asking the clerk about gloves?" S219: "(6/8) Give him a few minutes and he should produce something useful." S220: "(7/8) Now you just need to get it from him." S221: "(1/5) Don't reveal any more if you haven't found the crowbar." S222: "(2/5) You'll find it under the pile of junk in the kitchen." S223: "(3/5) What pile of junk? What kitchen? (What crowbar, for that matter?)" S224: "(4/5) I always wanted to write one of those Infocom-style red herring hints!" S225: "(1/10) Don't reveal any more unless you've been to the clothing store." S226: "(2/10) Don't reveal any more unless you've bought something at the clothing store." S227: "(3/10) I assume you've tried wearing the glove." S228: "(4/10) It just wasn't made for wolf paws, was it? Perhaps there's some way you can attach it to your transformed hand." S229: "(5/10) What are some ways to attach things to other things?" S230: "(6/10) Well, you haven't got glue, or magnets..." S231: "(7/10) What about tying it?" S232: "(8/10) You must have something suitable for tying with..." S233: "(9/10) Some souvenir from home, perhaps?" S234: "(1/4) You need something from him." S235: "(2/4) Try asking him about ships." S236: "(3/4) You'll need that contract." S237: "(1/4) Have you rung the bell inside the Boarding House?" S238: "(2/4) Doesn't seem to do much, does it?" S239: "(3/4) I guess if you really want to book a room, you'll have to find a hotel that's inhabited." S240: "(1/4) Why, it's for ringing!" S241: "(2/4) It does make a lovely sound, doesn't it?" S242: "(3/4) Maybe if you ring it enough, something special will happen." S243: "(1/2) You'll find out..." S244: "(1/4) Don't reveal any more until you've gotten something from Old Bill." S245: "(2/4) Now that you have a contract, getting to the island is easy." S246: "(3/4) Just go to the pier..." S247: "Island Hints" S248: "Barren" S249: "Coat" S250: "Disintegration" S251: "Fortress Ingress" S252: "(1/3) Well, it is a very small island." S253: "(2/3) Still, it has some lovely scenery." S254: "(1/6) Keeping out the cold, perhaps?" S255: "(2/6) No? Well, its name does suggest that it may have some other purpose." S256: "(3/6) Have you seen anything that reminds you of this coat?" S257: "(4/6) Say, a carving, for example?" S258: "(5/6) There's a carving in the boarding house that suggests the coat's powers. If you never found that carving, the name is the only hint you have to go on. " S259: "(1/3) Yes, it does seem to be a bit vulnerable to water." S260: "(2/3) So you'd better keep it dry." S261: "(1/8) Well, you might try climbing the walls..." S262: "(2/8) But that's probably a dead end. Perhaps a tunnel?" S263: "(3/8) Or perhaps not. Well, what about crossing barriers by magical means?" S264: "(4/8) The coat can help you cross normally impassable barriers..." S265: "(5/8) But not these walls. The Goergs' magic is apparently strong enough to thwart the coat." S266: "(6/8) But there may be a vulnerable spot, a spot different from the rest of the walls." S267: "(7/8) The mirrored wall can be penetrated, with the help of the coat." S268: "Fortress Hints" S269: "River" S270: "Coat" S271: "Cerberus" S272: "Final Barrier" S273: "Queen" S274: "Pendant" S275: "Now What?" S276: "(1/6) Well, according to the sign, it's the River Styx, which seems to suggest a couple of things..." S277: "(2/6) First, you may be in Hades, the land of the dead." S278: "(3/6) Second, immersion in the river could make you invulnerable." S279: "(4/6) Of course, it's also very wet, which may pose a problem for the coat." S280: "(5/6) Then again, if you're invulnerable, you might not need the coat." S281: "(1/9) Well, it can't get wet, that's for sure." S282: "(2/9) How can you get it to the other side without letting it touch the water?" S283: "(3/9) There are two ways." S284: "(4/9) You could throw the coat over the river." S285: "(5/9) But it's too light to make it across by itself." S286: "(6/9) But you do have something with enough weight to fling over the river." S287: "(7/9) And it can contain things." S288: "(8/9) PUT THE COAT IN THE BACKPACK, then THROW THE BACKPACK OVER THE RIVER." S289: "(1/5) Well, if you're invulnerable, you should be able to defeat the dog simply by attacking it." S290: "(2/5) Then again, you probably shouldn't believe everything you read." S291: "(3/5) Looks like you have another barrier to cross." S292: "(4/5) Hope you have your magic barrier-crossing aidwith you." S293: "(1/7) Sure you will. You just have to figure out how." S294: "(2/7) Remember the plaque outside the fortress?" S295: "(3/7) "Make reality a dream, and dreams, reality."" S296: "(4/7) The quote is about illusion. Unfortunately, the water is no illusion. You'll need to do two things in order to successfully pass this barrier." S297: "(5/7) The first is to protect your coat from that water." S298: "(6/7) You can do this by putting your coat in your pack and closing the pack." S299: "(1/3) Listen to her." S300: "(2/3) And do as she asks." S301: "(1/2) See the previous question." S302: "(1/3) Time to confront your treacherous lord." S303: "(2/3) You can get there using the magic word written on your parchment." S304: "Bex Hints" S305: "Who's who?" S306: "Obey Lord Midel?" S307: "Death threat" S308: "Now what?" S309: "(1/4) Remember the power of the pendant." S310: "(2/4) Anyone who wears the pendant cannot be fooled by illusion, and cannot fool others." S311: "(3/4) So when you wear the pendant, you see things as they are. When you don't wear it, you see things as they appear to be." S312: "(1/4) Remember the pendant's power." S313: "(2/4) Anyone who wears it can see through illusion but cannot create it." S314: "(3/4) Therefore, giving the pendant to Lord Midel will strip him of his powers of illusion." S315: "(1/8) Well, this is serious. You'd better find some way to protect yourself." S316: "(2/8) What could protect you from that sword?" S317: "(3/8) Something meant to keep things out?" S318: "(4/8) Or keep people in?" S319: "(5/8) The cage!" S320: "(6/8) But how can you get into it? Your path is barred, literally!" S321: "(7/8) Time to cross another barrier." S322: "(1/6) Marnian seems to be trying to tell you something." S323: "(2/6) Think about the things at which he is pointing." S324: "(3/6) You may not be able to defeat Lord Midel on your own, but the wizard probably could..." S325: "(4/6) If he could get out of the cage." S326: "(5/6) And you have the thing that will help him to pass the bars." S327: " Author's Note Have you tried... " S328: "Postscript" S329: "Author's Note" S330: "Have you tried..." [End of text] [End of file]